Education Support Professionals work in educational settings. They work in preK-12 schools through higher education institutions in the following job categories: clerical services, custodial and maintenance services, food services, health and student services, paraeducators, security services, skilled trades, technical services and transportation services.
Please complete this nomination form and upload a letter from the nominating local association president, as well as letters of recommendation as outlined below. (Files can be uploaded at the end of this form.)
Nomination Best Practices
Deadline: January 5 at 11:59 p.m.
Up to three letters of recommendation to the MTA on behalf of the nominee are welcome from teachers, staff, students, administrators and community members. Each year, the MTA ESP Committee meets in person to review all applications submitted by locals for ESP of the Year. Though all nominees are worthy candidates, some applications tend to stand out more than others. There are some best practices as defined by the people who will review each nominatoin. Here's how to make your nominee stand out:
- Nominee's leadership, creativity and innovation are highlighted throughout the application.
- The application displays strong and specific evidence of community engagement and union activism.
- The application looks complete, with a minimum of 250 words per prompt.
- This nomination form must be filed for any nominee, even if the person was previously nominated.
- Either the local association president or the chair of the local Executive Committee/Board of the local association must complete and sign this form.
- All nominations submitted to the MTA will be evaluated on the basis of the criteria listed in this nomination form.
The ESP Award will be presented at the MTA ESP Conference, April 5-6, 2025, at the Wellsworth Hotel in Southbridge. Additionally, the MTA awardee may be eligible for the NEA ESP of the Year Award.